We have been rejoicing in the great leaps we have seen in Hannah in the last two months educationally.
I was wondering if all she really needed was time to catch up.
Then last week it happened....
I was wondering if all she really needed was time to catch up.
Then last week it happened....
It is like she takes a bunch of steps backwards and can not seem to grasp concepts she has gained.
I am seeing stuttering, have not seen that in a long time.
She is back to slowly sounding out tons of words that she could read fluently before.
She had gained counting by 2's, 5's, and 10's and she has lost them.
She is having trouble writing some of her letters again.
I am confused.
As every mother, I want the best for my treasure, it is so hard to see her loose such hard fought for gains.
It is good to know God loves her even more than I do!
I'm sorry to hear that Donna! Often in our family, kids take two steps back before taking a giant leap forward. I will pray that will happen!
I'm sorry...Praying you get some answers and direction soon.
Please feel free to email me.
transformedfromglory2glory at gmail dot com.
I was praying for you and your daughter last night :-)
:( That would be so hard to see. I'm praying for sweet little Hannah!
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