So what do you do with a VERY visual and tactile child?
Well you don't give them TOO many worksheets....unless you are constantly adding too it!!
So I pulled out the Boggle Jr. game and gave her the letters---and she spelled nest and drop faster and with no mistakes!!!
Something with using the blocks allows her to separate the sounds she is hearing into letters. Take the blocks away and back she goes to not hearing the sounds in the correct order.
I know this has something to do with her auditory processing issues, as the therapist has used this to help her with producing sounds also.
Now we are just working on short "i" -- she seems to have real trouble saying or hearing it. Trying to decipher if it is cultural or processing. My guess is the processing.
But it is very hard to correctly write the spelling of a word if you can not say it correctly. I am guessing we may have to move a little away from phonics with this child.
Sometimes I imagine what her life would have been like back in Liberia. Knowing all her special needs and extra help she is requiring to overcome them...I wonder how she would have made it in a culture that does not have the resources or the inclination to work with a child who needs special help.
Would she have ever learned to read?
Would she have been able to attend school?
Would she have been prepared to move into adulthood?
I praise the Lord that he brought our beautiful little girl into our home to love and cherish!!
Praising Him for the new future she has!!
Kinda like us....
God picks us up out of the muck
Cleans us off
Adopts us as His children
Gives us full rights of inheritance
And gives us a new future!!
Amazing how he adopts us as we are, not how we will be!!!!
Praising God today for my adoption into His forever family!!!
Love that we are adopted too!
I think I should try that with our daughter.....sometimes any new ideas help some.
I love how you closed up that post...very touching!
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